The Berry, ‘the romatic heart of France’, was a duchy that belonged to the French Crown. A beautiful, hilly bocage landscape where fields and meadows, bordered by hawthorns, are interspersed with forests. Where countless brooks and streams cut through the country and unite with small and large rivers. Where deer and badgers wander around and where you can listen to the concert of countless bird species.
The civilized world of the Berry is also worth a visit. There are picturesque villages everywhere, such as Saint-Marcel, Nohant-Vic, Saint-Benoît-du-Sault, and of course Gargilesse, and charming cities such as La Châtre, Valençay and the former capital Bourges, with its magnificent cathedral.
In many places there are pleasant markets every week with a variety of regional products. And during the summer there are plenty of brocantes, nice flea markets where everyone can find something to his liking. Not to mention the terraces, cafes, good restaurants and attractive shops.
And last but not least there are the inhabitants of this Arcadia, the Berrichons. They are open, friendly and helpful. From the very beginning we feel at home here, and welcome. And the Berrichons will also warmly welcome you, for celebrating your holidays, for participating in festivities or simply to enjoy their wonderful duchy.