We work in the garden all year round, even when we don't feel like it. It helps that we get help from time to time. As soon as we start gardening, this supporter starts providing mental encouragement.

The wild form of the hyacinth. All those sweet-smelling giant hyacinths are descended from this. They are just as fragrant.

Another herald of spring in the garden: the white hellebore that we received as a seedling from our friend Françoise.

A childhood photo of Bobby. Perhaps one of our cutest sheep. In any case, it is a sheep that many of our guests absolutely love.

A special form of the cornflower: the Centaurea graminifolia. Blooms here everywhere in the wild.

It has become a modern open-front stable: light, airy and spacious. You could easily call it a sheep palace. In this photo, they are there for the first time. As if it has always been that way.

One of our to-dos for the 2024 off-season: build shelter for our sheep so they have a healthy place to hide.